Sunday 11 October, 2009


Maoists in India including those working in West Bengal have stories to tell. They are being marked as terrorists. They are painted as a gang of criminals, on a killing spree. But Maoists are not a gang of criminals and they are not on a killing spree. They are not killing anyone going on the roads and robbing a man of his possession. The rebels are fighting for a cause and you have every right to disagree with them, but opposing State terrorism in not the act of a criminal. So, you can not call them a band of thugs. Nepalese Maoists were also called criminals and history had proved who were the real criminals-those who had hatched the conspiracy and killed their own relatives or those who were fighting for the people. I too do not support every act of the Maoists, but salute them for standing against the State oppression. And the Maoists have no support base? The Red Corridor has not been created in a day and believe me, it has not come down form the Mars.

I remember the days when the CPIM used to rally behind Daniel Ortega of Nicaragua. It is a15-20-year old story. They have also praised the Shining Path and the FARC. Many of them, including those studying in the red bastion of the JNU, might have dreamt to follow the path of Che Guevara. There are reasons for this shift and we may discuss on this sometimes else. But let us go back comrades! It is still not too late.

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